Why You Must Say No To Junk Food Immediately: Fast food, processed food, Junk food whatever you like to call it, it is everywhere. The production of junk food across the world has caused a sharp increase in obesity, particularly in the Western world, The following are groups of foods that you must avoid because they tend to your body to generate more inflammatory cytokines. They are also toxic to your physique system in multiple ways, polluting the internal terrain of one’s body system and promoting inflammation.
Harmful Effects of Junk Foods
Harmful Effects of Junk Foods Everyone Needs to Know
Since we are now in a modern economy, Foods are now processed with preservatives. Manufacturers do this to prolong the life of their products. Processed foods are rich in fat, sugar, and sodium that often gives illnesses or certain diseases. The most common effects of eating fast food today are obesity, heart-related illnesses, diabetic when consumed without restraint.