Black Shades On Face Home Remedies, Effective & Easy Remedies For Black Shades

Black Shades On Face Home Remedies, Effective & Easy Remedies For Black Shades: Black shades and discolorations of the skin can be a difficult and embarrassing problem.  Age spots, Skin pigmentation, melasma are hard to cure. There is no shortage of fading creams on the market  – many of which are unsafe and do more harm than good, they simply ineffective and a waste of time and money. However, there is the possibility that some effective home remedies may be just the cure you’re looking for.

Aloe Vera Gel

Due to the presence of mucilaginous polysaccharides in aloe vera gel, it can alleviate hyperpigmentation and restore your skin’s original colour. It can also remove dead skin cells and promote regeneration of new skin cells.

Onion Juice

To make onion juice, chop up an onion finely, or blend it, and squeeze the juice through a cheesecloth. Mix with equal part apple cider vinegar, apply twice daily with a cotton ball and you will get results over the next few weeks. Or you can cut a slice of onion, dip it in vinegar, and apply it to the affected area.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a natural skin lightener with excellent astringent properties. The acidic nature of lemon juice also helps remove the outer layer of the skin, thereby eliminating black shade of skin.

Apply it on the affected areas and gently rub it around for one or two minutes, Leave it on for 15 minutes  then rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

Also Read: Home Remedies For Healthy, Smooth And Soft Skin


Vinegar is chemically acetic acid and is capable of whitening and brightening, as well as making skin smoother and more radiant and soft skin, Dilute vinegar equally with water and use to cleanse and rinse your face.


Oatmeal is an amazing natural exfoliating property that can remove black shades from the face and dissolve dead skin cells to give you glowing skin.

Mix together two tablespoons of oatmeal powder with milk and honey. Apply it to face wait 15 minutes and rub off the mixture with water. Do this two or three times a week and best result.


Turmeric can also reduce the skin’s melanin and help combat melasma.

Mix 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder with 10 tablespoons of milk and one tablespoon gram flour to make a paste. Apply this paste and allow it to dry for 15/ 20 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water. Do the treatment daily for good result.

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