Easy & Effective Dry Skin Care Tricks & Tips

Easy & Effective Dry Skin Care Tricks & Tips: When the body loses too much moisture, the skin becomes dry. There are many factors that can cause our skin becomes dry: environment, age, heredity, improper skin care, and our lifestyle choices.

We all strive to have that healthy vibrant looking skin. Here are many natural dry skin care tips you can beat this unpleasant condition so you can revitalize your skin and  restore your natural beauty,

Skin Care Tips For Your Face & Body

Apply natural products such as natural oils like avocado, almond, olive, jojoba, coconut on the skin after a shower. While your skin is still slightly damp, apply your favorite natural oil to your skin. This will help trap moisture and will keep the skin moist longer.

Honey helps moisturize and soften the skin. Take a small amount of honey onto your fingers and apply directly to affected area with a light tapping motion. After five minutes, rinse with warm water and pat the area dry with a soft cloth.

Aloe Vera is frequently used to soothe dry irritated skin, but it also has the ability to moisturize even the driest, flaky skin. Apply a thin layer to the dry area. Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Use warm water to rinse off any gel.

Soothe Dry And Cracked Lips

If you are experiencing painfully dry lips, here are a few tips to soothe and hydrate.

Drink plenty of water during the day.

For extremely dry lips make a scrub by combining sugar, honey and olive oil, Gently apply to your lips, wash off with warm water, then apply a natural lip balm.

Make a habit of using lip balm often.

Treat Your Hands Right

Your hands are the most used part of your body, which means you will likely observe their dryness easily. To bring comfort to your dry hands, you can apply an excellent moisturiser often. After each time you clean the hands, apply a generous amount of moisturiser. Make the above list of key components to look for to help you find soothing moisturizer. Use the soothing cleanser and keep clean hands regularly.  At night apply  mineral oil, nutrient oil, petroleum jelly, to your hands to help snare water in the skin.

Dry Skin On The Feet

Dry, cracked skin on the feet can lead to pain and discomfort. To get a treat of dry skin on the feet, begin by soaking your feet in warm water or plain, pure lemon juice. Gently remove dead skin with a pumice stone. wash your feet with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel. Apply a petroleum jelly or foot cream and cover with a pair of cotton socks. This tricks well at night because the cream has time to enter into the skin. 

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