8 Reasons Women Not Able to Conceive Easily

Reasons Women Not Getting Pregnant, Conceiving Easily: There may have several reasons why women have difficulty conceiving including a bad lifestyle, being overweight, PCOS, thyroid, problems with ovulation, and sperm problems. At least 10% of women have some kind of infertility, such as difficulty conceiving. As a woman gets older, her chances of being infertile (not conceiving easily) increase. Infertility in women can be caused by several factors that impact the biological processes listed below.

8 Reasons Women Not Able to Conceive Easily
Reasons Women Not Able to Pregnant/Conceive Easily

8 Reasons Why Women Not Conceiving Easily

  1. Blocked Fallopian Tubes

When the fallopian tubes are blocked it may be difficult or impossible to conceive. While some women with blocked tubes suffer discomfort in their pelvis, many others do not. If anything prevents the fallopian tubes from working properly you won’t be able to conceive.

Sperm and an egg meet in the fallopian tube for fertilization. If both tubes are completely blocked, if scarring prevents the sperm and egg from meeting, you will be unable to conceive a baby easily.

  1. Endometriosis

The endometrium is the tissue that grows inside of your uterus implants. Endometriosis is a disorder like the growth of extra tissues or when endometrium grows in other places of the uterus, it may produce cysts on the ovaries, clog fallopian tubes, and prevent an egg and sperm from joining that making it difficult for women to conceive.

  1. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a hormonal imbalance disorder that disrupts ovulation or affects a woman’s ovaries. Most of the women who have ovulation problems have irregular periods. PCOS is linked to insulin resistance, obesity, abnormal facial or body hair growth, and acne. It is the most prevalent reason for a woman’s not pregnant.

Also Read: 5 Most Common Pregnancy Issues in Early Days of Pregnancy

  1. Fibroids

Fibroids are harmless tumors that form in the womb’s muscular wall. They’re rather frequent, and they don’t usually create issues. Fibroids can occasionally hinder a fertilized egg from adhering to the uterine lining. They can also stop sperm from reaching the egg. It has the potential to block a fallopian tube and makes it more difficult for you to conceive.

  1. Ovulation problems

It might be hard to become conceived if you have ovulation issues. It is good to consult with a fertility specialist about further tests and treatments that can assist control finding ovulation problems.

  1. Ovaries with Scars

Physical damage to the ovaries causes ovulation failure. Severe, invasive, or multiple surgeries for ovarian cysts, the infection may damage or scar the ovarian capsule, preventing follicular development it may cause ovarian function properly for conception.

  1. Behavioral factors

Certain personal behaviors and lifestyles influence one’s health, and many of the same factors might affect a woman’s capacity to conceive.

Women who are considerably live a poor lifestyle, alcohol and smoking use increase the risk of birth abnormalities in women who may have trouble conceiving, and it may cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome if levels in the mother’s blood are high enough.

  1. Underlying medical conditions

An unhealthy body mass index like being overweight or underweight might disrupt your hormonal balance. Ovulation abnormalities caused by hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, or undiagnosed diabetes may result in infertility or the inability to conceive a baby.

If you have medical conditions that may have an impact on your fertility. If you use birth control, such as contraceptive pills or shots, have a history of miscarriages, or are aware of a genetic or other medical condition that may lead to your difficulty to become pregnant easily.

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