Healthy Benefits Of Banana For Male & Female | 8 Reason Why Banana Is Good For Health: Banana is the most edible fruit in India which can be found in every season. It is very energetic and tasty fruit which can be eaten anytime. There is no headache to wash it. It is variable size fruit with soft flesh and rich in the starch wrapped with the colored coverings like yellow, green and brown.
banana benefits
Bananas Nutrition Facts, Calcium & Fiber, Banana Health Benefits
Bananas Nutrition Facts, Calcium & Fiber, Banana Health Benefits: A high-energy fruit that is rich in potassium, Bananas are among the most important food in the world. A vital mineral necessary for proper heart function and the regulation of blood pressure, potassium is in large supply in the banana.
Does Eating Banana Daily Increase Weight?
A banana has the most calories when it comes to fruits. One apple or 100gms. of grapes will give about 50 calories and large orange about 100 grams can give about 100 calories, somewhat similar to a banana.
Calories, Banana & Weight Gain