Dysmenorrhea, Menstruation Pain: Things To Care To Get Relief Fast From Pain

Things To Care To Get Relief Fast From Dysmenorrhea, Menstruation Pain

There are so many women who often complain about the menstruation bad experience which we all know is the period of pain. In medical terms, it is called dysmenorrhea which usually occurs on the first two days of the period. Even if the pain of a period can also mean some discomfort and headache but … Read more

What to eat and what not to eat during menstruation period

Things need to care during menstruation bleeding

The monthly cycle can disrupt about every system in your body, especially your digestive system like (bloating, diarrhoea) and similar period problems every month. There are several foods for periods that can help to cut or at least reduce those pesky period symptoms. Let’s have a look at some of the foods to avoid while menstruating.

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